Zenit against cyberbullying

We've joined the national action against unkindness on the Internet and beyond.
Zenit against cyberbullying
Russian internet giant VK launched a social campaign against cyberbullying and online negativitythat five years ago with the aim of uniting everyone against this modern day problem. 

Sports personalities of levels, professions and ages regularly face online abuse and we'd like to remind everyone that words on the Internet can hurt, and we all have the power to stop it. 

Zenit have joined the national Week against Cyberbullying taking place between 10 to 17 November, and we've changed our badge to include white hearts, the symbol of the social campaign. 

Zenit Football Club calls on all the blue-white-sky blue fans out there to be try and be kinder online and we can all do better.  

Join the fight against cyberbullying at kiberbulling.net